Friday, December 5, 2008
Lighting of Christmas Lights Coeur D' Alene
The day after Thanksgiving my mom and I took Noah and Aly to Coeur D' Alene. They had a small parade, caroling and the big "light up" of Christmas lights. The kids like the parade ~ especially Noah ~ because superhero characters came over and shook their hands. We missed most of the caroling because everyone needed to use the restroom and so can just imagine trying to cram a pregnant lady into a honeybucket with a 4 year old. The light up was beautiful and a perfect way to kck off the Christmas Season. Hope everyone is doing well!! Love ya. :)

Preschool Thanksgiving
These are not the best pictures in the world but I have to include them anyways. It is Aly's class doing a very informal Thanksgiving presentation. They did a couple of songs and then they had a "feast" in the cafeteria afterwards. Somewhere in there she bonked her head and you will see her sad-little-indian face.

Thanksgiving Day
Better late than never right? It was a great day! It was cold outside and warm inside. We had good food and hung out with the family. Here's some pictures from the day. My brother who is an amateur photographer took some of the pictures. You can tell a big difference between pictures from his camera and pictures from mine. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008
Thank You Very Much Dave Ken and Molly!!
I really like to listen to the morning show with Dave, Ken and Molly in the morning when I take the kids to school and back. But I gotta tell ya ~ I probably should have stayed away this morning. They were doing a little survey about their most favorite fast food items of all time. I have never been so hungry in my entire life!! Today I just had to stop for a "D. Lish's" cheeseburger because of their recommendations. It was every bit as good as they said it was going to be. I don't know how I'm going to resist now. Not to mention I am also now craving crisp meat burritos from Taco Time, roast beef sandwiches from Arby's, filet o fish from McD's and the chili cheese burrito with fritos on it from Sonic. They really should have a warning advising pregnant women to TURN THE STATION! Since they didn't I think they might be obligated to pay for my liposuction after the baby is born. I'd settle for them just paying for my gym membership for the next year. It's the least they could do!
Once these cravings are past I am dedicating the remainder of my pregnancy to spinach salads with just a hard boiled egg and squeezed lemon for my dressing. *sigh*
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Haiku for the Beloved Fish
Orange gills laid to rest
On a drizzly Autumn day
Goodbye dear Stevie
Yes folks, Stevie has reached the end of short life. Was buried in our backyard as Noah deemed flushing an innappropriate burial. We discussed our favorite memories with Stevie and said a short prayer. Stevie is survived by doting owners Noah and Alyson, not-so-doting owners Jon and Jennifer, and fellow Boyer pets Riley and Abby. Stevie has now been replaced wtih Stevie Jr, and Spiky Millicent. However, I think I need a bigger tank for maximum oxygen exchange for these guys (can you tell I have been doing my fish homework?). If anyone has a rectangular 2-5 gallon fish tank they would like to donate let me know. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Goldfish Awareness Society.
On a drizzly Autumn day
Goodbye dear Stevie
Yes folks, Stevie has reached the end of short life. Was buried in our backyard as Noah deemed flushing an innappropriate burial. We discussed our favorite memories with Stevie and said a short prayer. Stevie is survived by doting owners Noah and Alyson, not-so-doting owners Jon and Jennifer, and fellow Boyer pets Riley and Abby. Stevie has now been replaced wtih Stevie Jr, and Spiky Millicent. However, I think I need a bigger tank for maximum oxygen exchange for these guys (can you tell I have been doing my fish homework?). If anyone has a rectangular 2-5 gallon fish tank they would like to donate let me know. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Goldfish Awareness Society.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Silly Saturday....and...~Welcome Stevie!!~
Never have a whole lot say. I communicate much better in pictures. Maybe as I get used to this blogging thing I'll have more to say. But for now I thought I would let everyone know about the arrival of Stevie the Goldfish. Stevie was a prize at last night's Harvest Party. Here he is:

He seems to hangout on the bottom a lot. Makes me a little nervous but he is alive! I don't particularly have high hopes for Stevie, but we will do the best we can. If he makes it through a week we will invest in a bigger tank and a few accessories for his pad. Isn't he cute?
Today is also designated Silly Saturday at the Boyer House, so here are some super silly face pictures from Noah and Aly.

Adios for now!
He seems to hangout on the bottom a lot. Makes me a little nervous but he is alive! I don't particularly have high hopes for Stevie, but we will do the best we can. If he makes it through a week we will invest in a bigger tank and a few accessories for his pad. Isn't he cute?
Today is also designated Silly Saturday at the Boyer House, so here are some super silly face pictures from Noah and Aly.
Adios for now!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Oodles of fall festivities with pics!!
We have been keeping busy in October! The kids and I went to Seattle to visit some friends and made a little trip to Pike Place Market.

Then Noah had his All-City Cross Country Meet this morning. He's getting to be such a good runner!

We also made our annual trip out to Harvest House in Green Bluff. The kids were in heaven. Pony rides, apple cider, bouncy houses and pumpkins. What could be better?

As much fun as this month has been I am ready for a break!! I might get it too. My courses are up in 2 weeks and there is a 6 week break for Noah's sports. I'm sure something will come up. Aly is going to start some dance classes and my next big project involves painting the kids room and doing to big room-switch-a-roo. Should be interesting. I will keep you updated!
Then Noah had his All-City Cross Country Meet this morning. He's getting to be such a good runner!
We also made our annual trip out to Harvest House in Green Bluff. The kids were in heaven. Pony rides, apple cider, bouncy houses and pumpkins. What could be better?
As much fun as this month has been I am ready for a break!! I might get it too. My courses are up in 2 weeks and there is a 6 week break for Noah's sports. I'm sure something will come up. Aly is going to start some dance classes and my next big project involves painting the kids room and doing to big room-switch-a-roo. Should be interesting. I will keep you updated!
Monday, October 13, 2008
20 Weeks!
So excited to be halfway there! Today was the much anticipated ultrasound. In case you didn't know, it was much anticipated because I had gotten a call from my MD about a month ago and was told that my blood work showed a slightly increased risk for spina bifida. So naturally, I've been freaking out, even though my doctor clearly told me I didn't need to do that. Anyway, everything is A-OK from what they can tell. OB tech confirmed that it was a girl. We have decided on a first name: ~Peyton~. Still working on a middle name and will take any ideas you have. Here's my belly pic and the ultrasound pic.

Saturday, October 4, 2008
In the beginning...
Well, not the beginning I guess. But here's a quick synapsis of how I got to where I am now. Went on a mission trip in 1997. Met my soon-to-be husband there, and moved to Spokane shortly thereafter. We got married in August of 98.

Had Noah on February 29, 2000! He is now a mighty 3rd grader!!
He's on the right...

I graduated from nursing school in 2003...

We had out little girl Alyson in June of 2004

So, we had our boy and girl. This time next year she will be in kindergarten fulll time so I was just starting to gear up for the "next stage". Then we were pleasantly surprised when a third little bump made itself known! I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with another girl! We are very excited. So that's our little story, and now can move on to sharing the coming and goings of daily life in the Boyer House. :)
Had Noah on February 29, 2000! He is now a mighty 3rd grader!!
He's on the right...
I graduated from nursing school in 2003...
We had out little girl Alyson in June of 2004
So, we had our boy and girl. This time next year she will be in kindergarten fulll time so I was just starting to gear up for the "next stage". Then we were pleasantly surprised when a third little bump made itself known! I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with another girl! We are very excited. So that's our little story, and now can move on to sharing the coming and goings of daily life in the Boyer House. :)
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