I really like to listen to the morning show with Dave, Ken and Molly in the morning when I take the kids to school and back. But I gotta tell ya ~ I probably should have stayed away this morning. They were doing a little survey about their most favorite fast food items of all time. I have never been so hungry in my entire life!! Today I just had to stop for a "D. Lish's" cheeseburger because of their recommendations. It was every bit as good as they said it was going to be. I don't know how I'm going to resist now. Not to mention I am also now craving crisp meat burritos from Taco Time, roast beef sandwiches from Arby's, filet o fish from McD's and the chili cheese burrito with fritos on it from Sonic. They really should have a warning advising pregnant women to TURN THE STATION! Since they didn't I think they might be obligated to pay for my liposuction after the baby is born. I'd settle for them just paying for my gym membership for the next year. It's the least they could do!
Once these cravings are past I am dedicating the remainder of my pregnancy to spinach salads with just a hard boiled egg and squeezed lemon for my dressing. *sigh*
Ooooh.....a crisp meat burrito with sour cream.......
You saw my post about the pregnancy cravings subject. My fast food downfall has been FRENCH FRIES :( (tsk, tsk...I know, I know).
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